Monday 9 September 2013

Date 79

"Bigmouth la la la la la la."

I was certainly on a roll in regards to free dating sites, with OKCupid again providing my next date. She made contact first and sent me a message, but for some reason I'd completely forgotten about it and didn't actually reply until 2 weeks later which is most unlike me. After only a couple of emails she hinted that she was very keen to meet me so we decided to hook up for a drink.

During the first drink, we appeared to be getting on, although saying that, I can't remember too much about her apart from her having a very strong but lovely Northern Irish accent and her being a freelance cookery writer. I'm also not sure if we had much in common.

She'd arrived at the bar before me and bought the first round of drinks, so when I asked her if she wanted another she 'ummed' and 'arrred' for a good 30 seconds before saying yes. This wasn't a good sign but I went up and got them anyway. However, when I brought them back to our table she said she had to go soon as she came up with a fairly elaborate story about her boss wanting to talk to her about a writing project even though it was her night off. She was very chatty, so much so that when we'd finished our second drink she kept me for another half an hour or so talking, in which we could have had another drink. I didn't quite get that.

This was one of the quickest dates I'd been on for ages and I got the impression that she'd made up her mind about me very quickly due to her indecision regarding the second drink. I didn't bother to contact her again, however, we had been playing Words with Friends and although she played her move that night, when I played mine, she stopped and the game was never completed. I probably was more annoyed about this as I hate winning word games due to a forfeit.

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