Wednesday 9 August 2017

Date 136

"I danced my legs down to the knees."

Another contender for shortest date ever with this self-confessed Goth Raver.

She lived very close to me so I suggested that we meet in a pub in my village, about halfway between us as I presumed that we could both drink. I walked there and for some reason, even though she lived 5 minutes away on the bus, she chose to drive.

So, after rocking up in her Goth attire, complete with thick black tights on a very warm evening, she had one lemonade, talked about herself and all the raves that she would be attending for half an hour then said she had to go. I'm not sure if this was to do with my crap jokes or the x-factor auditions standard singer who'd just started her act in the pub. Regardless of this, I really thought that she could have made more of an effort as she didn't seem interested in anything that I had to say and had clearly decided that she wouldn't be staying long beforehand.

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